Song & Sermon CDs & Downloads, Books, Bible Tracts & Calendars


The music from the Faith To Live By singers can be found on our second YouTube channel, Faith To Live By Music, by clicking the link above. Alternatively, download a CD below or request your free hard copy today!

A Church
Without Walls

Faith To Live By founder H.H. Barber (1922-2020) used to say our television and radio ministry serves as “a church without walls.” It’s also a ministry we extend through the provision of free resources, such as music CDs, sermon recordings, books, Bible tracts, calendars, and downloadable items.

pastor hh and jim barber replace resources page

Featured Resources

Heaven's Gonna Be My Home

Heaven’s Gonna Be My Home

A collection of 13 songs released in early 2025. A mix of solos, duets, trios and group numbers.

Our Favourite Hymns

Our Favourite Hymns

A collection of some of our favourite hymns sung by the FTLB group. Includes a lyrics booklet for you to sing along.

Look for Me Around the Throne

Look for Me Around the Throne

Released in August 2024, this latest CD contains 13 songs by the group with a mix of solos, duets, quartets and more.

God so loved the world

God So Loved The World

CD of 13 songs by the FTLB singers, released May, 2024.

Jesus, I Come

The FTLB singers present a brand new CD featuring group, trio, duet, and solo numbers.

New Life in Christ

Celebrating FTLB’s 62nd year this CD contains 25 songs from the early years of the broadcast.

silent night cd cover image

FTLB Silent Night

Christmas CD released in 2023 which includes 13 songs and 6 Scripture readings read by the FTLB team members.

sitting at feet of Jesus cd cover

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

Featuring the FTLB men (in quartets, duets and solos) singing 14 beloved songs.

Call His Name Jesus

Call His Name Jesus

Christmas CD released in 2022 containing Christmas songs and Scripture readings.

A Closer Walk

A Closer Walk

CD of 14 songs by the FTLB singers, released May, 2023

'Tis So Sweet

‘Tis So Sweet

CD of 13 songs by the FTLB singers, released January, 2023.

German CD’s

Herr mit Dir

Herr, mit Dir

A compilation of hymns and Scripture reading all in the German language. Produced in 2024.

gott ist die liebe cd cover

Gott ist die Liebe

Our latest German CD with each song being sung completely in the German language.

Freue Dich Welt

Freue Dich Welt

Christmas CD by the FTLB singers with every song completely in the German language.

Immer Froehlich

Immer Froehlich

Our very first CD in the German language produced in 2022.

Request Your Free Resources

Simply let us know what to send you when you call, email, or submit a letter through the post!